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Parents believe that R. Kelly is holding their daughters, at least 6 women, against their will & manipulating them sexually and emotionally. Police want to step in and arrest him; however, they have nothing they can charge him with right now because all the woman are adults and with him willingly.
Kelly's attorney issued a statement about these claims via email. It reads: “We can only wonder why folks would persist in defaming a great artist who loves his fans, works 24/7, and takes care of all of the people in his life. He works hard to become the best person and artist he can be. It is interesting that stories and tales debunked many years ago turn up when his goal is to stop the violence; put down the guns; and embrace peace and love. I suppose that is the price of fame. Like all of us, Mr. Kelly deserves a personal life. Please respect that.”
Buzzfeed broke this story. CLICK HERE to read the entire thing!