Self-Care Activities That Will Actually Help Make Your Life Better

Self Care... NOUN

  1. the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health.
  2. the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.

We call need a to give in to self care more often than not. Well here are some obvious and not so obvious ways to show yourself some selfcare!

1.Get a extra large garbage bag and get rid of everything that you don’t use, that doesn’t fit, triggers painful memories, or that you bought in hopes that it would make you a different person.

2.Unfollow anyone who makes you feel anything less than inspired, empowered and happy to be who you are.

3.Stop arranging and posing photos and just take snaps of things as they’re happening. If your life isn’t interesting enough to do that, your life is the problem, not your Instagram feed.

4.Make a spreadsheet and manually write out everything you spend each week. Nothing will make you more self-aware of your spending habits, or help to hold you accountable.

5.Make an appointment for the doctor that gives you the most anxiety. Show up for it.

6.Download podcasts that interest you to listen to every time you commuting or driving in your car.

7.Delete the phone numbers and text threads of people who you don’t recognize, haven’t spoken to in years, always have to text first, or really shouldn’t communicate with again. It will be cathartic.

8.Stop digitally checking in with friends you had falling outs with, exes, and anyone else who isn’t an active part of your life. They’re only going to keep going on without you.

9.Improve things in small increments. Try to drink a half cup of water today. Go to the gym and walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes, if that’s all you can do. Go to sleep 15 minutes earlier than normal. Slowly adjust to new norms, and build momentum.

10.Go to a bookstore or library and pick out a copy of something that interests you. Stop trying to read to look smart or keep up with what’s happening in the literary world. Read what captures your interest. That’s what will make you better.


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