The Difference Between Fun-Messy Drinking and Bad-Messy Drinking

Did you know the CDC advises men not to have more than two alcoholic drinks a day and for women to cut it off at one? Anything more and you're out of the ‘drinking in moderation’ zone. But since that’s where about two-thirds of drinkers tend to end up, here’s what you need to know about when things go from fun toa problem.

According to therapists, there are two main motivations for why we tend to overdo it.

  • The first is negative reinforcement. Drinking would be used as a way to “escape, avoid, or regulate unpleasant emotions.”
  • But positive reinforcement is the opposite. This is basically when we drink to fit in. You can see this kind of drinking at any open bar wedding.

Besides the damage you're doing to your body, and some less than savory choices you’re making under the influence, there’s nothing inherently “bad” about either of these motivators. It’s really up to your own self-awareness to figure out if your drinking has taken a turn into the bad-messy realm. Experts recommends looking at your drinking with curiosity, rather than judgment and setting some boundaries. If the days you’re waking up with regrets are starting to pile up... it’s probably time to ask for some help.


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