The BEST and WORST gifts to give on Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day can be a hit or miss when it comes to gift giving. Do it right, Valentine's Day (and night) will be something you and your love one will always remember... do it wrong, you may not have another Valentine's day to look forward to. Luckily, there are tons of sites giving us the do's and don'ts of Valentine's gift giving!

Good Housekeeping has a list of 50 gifts that are bound to score the giver some big points, here are the top 5. 

  • A map of the sky the night of your first kiss
  • A "What I Love About You" journal
  • Your wedding vows on an art print.
  • A custom necklace with a message written in morse code.
  • A box of truffles.

On the flipside, Country Living has 12 suggestions on what not to give your partner. The top five are...

  • Any deal from Groupon.
  • A gym membership.
  • Tickets to an event that are more for the giver than the reciever.
  • Anti-aging products.
  • Anything that is regifted.

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