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Quincy Jones is 84 years old and he isn't missing a single beat in the ladies department.
In a new interview with GQ, the famed music producer, musician and composer revealed some interesting details about his love life. The artist has been married and divorced a total of three times. “I was told not to marry actresses or singers. I ended up with two actresses, Peggy Lipton and Nastassja Kinski, and a superstar model. I didn’t listen to all the advice,” he told the men's fashion publication.
From there, Quincy began speaking about his current love situation. "I got 22 girlfriends," he admitted. Then, he revealed where these girlfriends live. According to him, they're all over the world. "Hell yeah. Everywhere. Cape Town. Cairo. Stockholm—she's coming in next week. Brazil—Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, and Rio. Shanghai—got a great girl over there from Shanghai, man. Cairo, whew."
Jones also said that these 22 women are aged 28-42 and they all know about each other. "Yeah, I don't lie. And it's amazing—women get it, man. Don't you ever forget they're 13 years smarter than we are. Don't you ever forget it," the OG said.
Must be nice...
Photo: Getty Images