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I'm still in disbelief that Danielle Bregoli is going on tour. You read that right! It makes absolutely no sense to me!
The teenager known for telling Dr. Phil audience members to "cash me ousside" and asking "how bow dah" is having test shows in Florida and Texas, and she has an interesting rider that includes what she needs. According to TMZ, her rider includes:
• 3 fidget spinners
• A 50" TV for watching movies
• 5 Gildan or Fruit of the Loom brand white tank tops (she doesn't want Hanes brand)
• 4 large Dominos pizzas
• 1 fruit platter — sans pineapple
Bregoli will get up to $50,000 per show if the test shows sell out, and may go on to do a nation-wide tour. She will be lip-syncing and rapping, do a live Q&A with audiences and invite audience members on stage to joke around with her.
Shoot me now!