Megan Thee Stallion showcases her fierce persona in the "Mamushi" music video. The video features Japanese actor Shô Kasamatsu and is directed by Kevin “Onda” Leyva, produced by the Tokyo-based creative firm PUSH Japan. Shot in various locations around Tokyo, the "Mamushi" video includes scenes filmed at Tsurumaki Onsen Jinya for the opening spa segment and the Engaku-ji Temple, one of Japan's leading Zen Buddhist temples. With dynamic special effects, action sequences, and dance interludes, the Houston rapper embodies a Mamushi, a Japanese viper. She collaborates with Yuki Chiba, the featured artist on the hit song, to take down a gang of criminals. In a striking moment reminiscent of Akira Kurosawa’s 1990 film "DREAMS," she captures their souls to form an army of blue-faced warriors. "Mamushi" has become a standout track from the Grammy-winning artist's self-titled MEGAN album, launched in June 2024 through Hot Girl Productions LLC. The song has amassed over 150 million streams worldwide and has reached the Top 50 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts and No. 1 on Spotify’s Global Viral chart in Japan. The album features collaborations with artists like Victoria Monét, Big K.R.I.T., Buddah Bless, UGK, GloRilla, Kyle Richh, and Yuki Chiba across 18 tracks.
The 29-year-old artist expressed, "My emotion doesn’t stop at sadness because I did grow and I did start feeling more things. I started feeling really happy. So you have songs on the album that are about the positive times that I’m starting to have. You get a little bit of everything. You get all the emotions in there." She added, "This is music I would enjoy if I weren’t Megan Thee Stallion [...] It won’t feel like I went so left. It’ll feel true to me. You’ll almost be like, ‘I wouldn’t have thought she would’ve rapped over that, but this sounds great.’" Listen to MEGAN and watch the "Mamushi" music video featuring Yuki Chiba above.