Angela Cortez

Angela Cortez

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Ways To Sneak In Mental Health Breaks Throughout The Day

Our days are busy. And life right now, it’s draining. Our mental health now is more important than ever. But how can we remember our own self-care? Here are some quick and easy ways to give your mental health what it wants during the day:

  • Mindfully eat a meal. Step away from your devices while eating and focus on your chewing, the smells, and the texture of each bite.
  • Take a walk at lunch. If you get an hour long lunch, use 15-20 minutes of it to walk.
  • Connect with your loved ones. Even if it’s just a quick text.
  • Do a brain dump. Just write down everything you’re thinking at that moment.
  • Do something that cues your brain to transition from work to relaxation. Think of a way to mark the end of your workday.
  • Block off mental health moments in your calendar. Have 15 minutes open? Schedule a break for yourself.
  • Do small stretches. It can be as simple as rotating your neck or doing shoulder and ankle rolls.
  • Set a reminder on your phone to ask yourself what you need. Twice a day, find time to pause and ask yourself what you need.

For the full list, click HERE!

Source: Huffington Post

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