October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is a great time to ask...have you been doing your self breast exams every month?
We know we’re supposed to, but it can be hard to remember what to do and when to do it. And that’s one of the reasons a 36-year-old woman who beat breast cancer has developed an app to help people do their self-exams.
Jessica Baladad started checking her breasts regularly after a scare back in college, when she found a lump that turned out to be benign. She continued her monthly self-checks and when she was 33, she found another lump - one that her doctor missed at an appointment two weeks before - and it turned out to be breast cancer. After many rounds of chemo and radiation, as well as a double mastectomy, she says she’s “alive today” because she did those self breast exams and she wants to encourage everyone to do them, too.
To help other women detect and survive breast cancer, Jessica created the Feel For Your Life app.
- It’s described as “the easiest online platform for learning about your options for doing self breast exams, developing screening routines and understanding your risks for breast cancer.”
- She’s not an app developer, but calls herself a “passionate advocate” for helping others know how to check their breasts.
- The app lets users track and monitor progress and sends reminders when it’s time to do a self-exam. And anything that helps us do them regularly is good for our health.
Source: Unilad