Source: wearemitu
An Organization Offers People A Chance To “Rent” Destroyed Buildings In Mexico As A Form Of Donation To Rebuilding Costs
Edgar “Fader” Elorza and Angel “Cheche” Rodriguez, two creative directors from Anonimo, an ad agency in Mexico City, are raising money in a unique way to help those who no longer have a place to call home. The two creative directors from Mexico City decided to take a different approach to raising money, according to AdAge. They created Arriba México, a website that looks and feels like a rental/hotel booking company (think Airbnb). But instead of booking a room to stay in, you click on a property and send a donation to help rebuilding efforts.
According to AdAge, the funds raised will initially be used to create tent shelters that are safe and effective. The tents will be able to house up to five people, giving families who have lost their homes a place to sleep while relief efforts in the city continue. According to the Arriba México website, the temporary shelters given to those left homeless from the earthquake will include beds, lamps, pantry, kitchen kit, stove and water filters. The New York Times reported that more than 60 buildings collapsed or were severely damaged as a result of the earthquake, including residential apartment buildings.
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