Do a food inventory and plan ahead. - Make sure you have everything you need to meet your eating and food prep goals.
Edit your closet and take care of your clothes.- Get rid of stuff you don’t wear. And be honest about whether or not you wear things! Get things repaired, replace things that no longer fit, etc.
Check your money situation. - Create a new budget at the start of every month by making appropriate changes based on what didn’t work the month before.
Schedule all your bills.- Have your bills ready to be paid. Set up automatic payments if you can!
Meditate and set your goals. - Have an idea of what you want from the month ahead.
Let go of your old worries.- Let yourself let go of the things that no longer apply to your life anymore.
Take on a 30 day challenge. - Challenge yourself to run every day, eat better, sleep better, or anything else you can think of!
Create a list of “incompletes.”- Know what you still need to get done, and set out to do it!
Sit down with your planner. - Get things organized and know where you have to be and when.
Give your apartment a once over.- Clean and get rid of unnecessary clutter.