We all dread having our picture taken for an ID, but when it’s time to renew that passport, driver’s license, or work ID, we don’t have a choice. We can’t do much about the lighting or the skills of the person operating the camera, but here are a few things we can do to help get the most flattering photo.
Keep your hair and makeup simple - This isn’t the time to experiment with a new lipstick or haircut. This is a photo you’ll be stuck with for a while, so stick to your go-to look. Skip the shimmering and setting powders that can wash you out under harsh fluorescent lighting, but darken your brows and use some blush to enhance your cheekbones.
Tilt your head - They’ll tell you to face the camera straight for your ID photo, but you can probably get away with a slight head tilt. And that little tiny tilt can help you look your best by softening shadows on your face and bringing out your jawline.
Smile like you mean it - Flash your genuine smile for your ID photo and save your steely gaze or duck face for the photo booth at your cousin’s wedding next month.